Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You: Addressing the impact of Trauma on Faith

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Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You is a comprehensive and holistic guide to understanding and overcoming the impact of trauma on faith, by Najwa Awad and Sarah Sultan, two licensed therapists who specialise in Islamic psychology.
Trauma is more common than you think. Well over half of your friends, colleagues, and closest family members have experienced harrowing events in their lives. Maybe you have, too. Trauma can dwell in the body for years or even decades, unrecognized but draining your energy, happiness, and even your faith. But through all the numbness or pain you may feel, and all the hardships you experience, Allah is still there for you. This book is a guide to understanding trauma and its far-reaching effects on the body, mind, and soul. With that understanding in place, we can recognize how it leads to cognitive biases and doubts around faith—and then begin to grow beyond these roadblocks and find contentment.
Trauma is a common experience, and it can have a profound impact on our lives. It can cause physical, emotional, and spiritual distress, and it can also make it difficult to maintain our faith. The authors remind us trauma is not a sign of weakness or punishment from God. Instead, it is a challenge that we can overcome with the help of Allah. The book provides a framework for understanding and addressing trauma from an Islamic perspective. This addresses the impact of trauma on the body, mind, and soul. It also provides coping skills and strategies for healing.

Structured in three parts:
Part 1: Understanding Trauma
Part 2: Embracing the Duha Approach based on Surat al-Duha
Part 3: Healing and Growth

Trauma is a normal response to abnormal experiences and we are not alone in our experiences of trauma, there is hope for healing and recovery! A great starting point or supplement to overcoming the impact of trauma. 
  • Authors: Najwa Awad & Sarah Sultan 
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 476
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Publisher: Kube 
  • ISBN: 9781847742209
  • Dimensions: 15 x 23 x 2.5 cm

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