The Final Prophet: Proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ

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Discover the countless pieces of evidence and proofs that solidify the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ. Within this incredibly well-researched book, you will find a wealth of reasoning that irrefutably leads to the truth: Muhammad ﷺ was truly the last messenger of God to humanity.

These proofs include: 

  1. Humanity's Need for Prophethood 
  2. The Prophet's Character 
  3. The Prophet's Accomplishments 
  4. The Prophet's Message 
  5. The Prophet's Prophecies 
  6. The Prophet's Physical Miracles 
  7. The Inimitable Qur'an

About the Author 

Mohammad Elshinawy graduated in English Literature from Brooklyn College and Islamic Studies from Mishkah University. He is the Religious Director of Jesus Son of Mary Mosque (Pennsylvania), a Research Fellow at Yaqeen Institute and an Instructor at Mishkah University. Have a look at more books by Mohammad Elshinawy here

Author: Mohammad Elshinawy
Format: Paperback
Pages: ~200
Publisher: Kube & Yaqeen Institute 
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 9781847742070
Dimensions: 15 x 23 cm

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