Those Promised Paradise: Stories of the Sahabah

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This great collection contains the biographies of 21 Sahabah (companions) who were promised their place in Paradise as recorded in various ahadith (please see the picture of the table of contents for the full list of these 21 illustrious sahabah)

This unique book is the first volume in IQRA's series entitled “Stories of the Sahabah” as adapted by Noura Durkee.

This series presents the lives of the Sahabah for younger generations of Muslims through rich and engaging stories.

A more famous hadith on this subject promises Paradise to ten Sahabah, popularly known as al-'Ashrah al-Mubasharin in Paradise. There are other traditions which mention the name of other Sahabah and Sahabiyat who were promised Paradise in their lifetime or soon after their death. We believe that all the Sahabah of the Prophet Mohammad ﷺ will enter Paradise. In this volume, we have included only those chosen ones who heard the good news from the Prophet ﷺ himself.

Author: Adapted by Noura Durkee
Format: Paperback
Pages: 464
Publisher: Iqra
ISBN: 9781563163746
Dimensions: 17 x 24cm 

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