Tafhim al Quran (Meaning of the Quran) Tafsir - 6 volumes

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This is a famous tafsir (exegesis/commentary) of the Qur'aan written by the scholar Syed Abul Ala Maududi. It took him over a decade to complete this work. 

It is a well-written tafsir. It has been recently revised, formatted and updated.  

Number of books:
Format: Hardback 
Edition: 13th, revised and updated September 2020 
Layout: The tafsir of each verse of each surah is explained in detail in English. There are snippets of the Arabic Qur'aanic verses provided too. The Arabic font is IndoPak. 

Take a look at all the different sizes available in the Tafhim al Quran collection

About the Author

Abdul A'la Mawdudi (1903-1979) was a leading Muslim intellectual and a chief architect of the Islamic revival in the twentieth century. He was an outstanding thinker and writer of his time. In 1941 he founded Jama'at-i-Islami, a political party in Pakistan, which he led until 1972. He authored more than a hundred works on Islam, both popular and scholarly, and his writings have been translated into some forty languages.

Have a look at more books by Sayyid Abdul A'la Mawdudi here

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