A personal story of the author and how she contends with a sudden personal tragedy. This book shows Na'ima, a well-known author, reflecting on her journey with references to quotes from the Qur'an, Hadith and contemporary thinkers.
“Through a deeply personal narrative of her own journey after the death of her husband, Na’ima B. Robert inspires Muslim women to gather the resources available to them so they can be the heroine in their stories and show up as victors. ‘Show Up’ is a powerful testimony of the beauty that’s possible when you choose to rise in the face of life’s challenges as a heroine in your life story.” LaYinka Sanni, Host, Honest Tea Talk
“Na’ima brings out our dynamism by letting us see her (usually invisible) fragility. I was crying by page ten and ready to take on the world a chapter later! This is a boost in times of global fear and personal challenges!” Lauren Booth, Author ‘Finding Peace in the Holy Land ’ and ‘Accidentally Muslim’
“Finally a self-help book written for the Muslim woman, with Islamic references and stories are intricately woven in. This gives it beautiful depth. Na’ima B. Robert has written an insightful book, full of raw vulnerability, sharing her own deeply personal stories and experiences. This book reads like a love letter to the sisterhood of Muslim women to inspire her to “...choose courage over fear”. It takes the reader on a reflective journey that lights a fire of hope for whichever life stage she’s at, and for situations, she has faced or is facing. It guides her on how to ‘show up’ authentically with an easy to follow, step-by-step process. This is a must-read for any Muslim woman ready to be present as a hero in her life, and for any woman trying to find the courage to do so.” As Robert asks “Now is the time for it, if not now, then when? And, if not you, then who?”. Tumkeen, Writer and Poet, Contributing Writer for Detroit Mom and Lansing Mom
Author: Na'ima B Robert (have a look at her other books here!)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Publisher: Kube
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN: 9781847741417
Dimensions: 23 cm x 15 cm x 1cm