We often underestimate the power of Du'a (supplication). A personal du'a is an intimate conversation between you and Allah. "Allah (glorified and exalted is He) doesn't care if it rhymes, or how it sounds, or even what language you call out to Him. It doesn't matter, what's important is how sincere it is." - Omar Suleiman
This beautiful hardcover book takes us through 30 heartfelt du'as made by our pious predecessors. Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul. It has a du'a journal at the back to inspire us to write our own personal conversations with our Lord. Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with 30 short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives.
By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate a love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment.
The author has directed that 100% of the royalties from the sale of this book be donated to Yaqeen Institute, a US-based nonprofit research institute, supporting their research and activities for the global Muslim community.
About the Author
Imam Omar Suleiman is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and an Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program at SMU (Southern Methodist University). He is the Resident Scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co-Chair of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square.
He holds a Bachelor's in Accounting, a Bachelor's in Islamic Law, a Master's in Islamic Finance, a Masters in Political History, and recently completed a PhD. in Islamic Thought and Civilization from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
Have a look at other great books by Omar Suleiman here!
Pages: 144
Published: 2019
Dimensions: 18 x 12 x 1.3 cm | 247g
ISBN: 9781847741295