O Mankind: A Pocketful of Gems from the Quran

Style: First Edition
Sale price$13.90 NZD

Introducing a treasure trove of du'as from the Qur'aan! This collection contains the gems of the Qur'aan - the du'as made by our prophets and the best du'as Allah has selected to include in His book. These du'as will empower every seeker with the essential tools for a meaningful connection with our Lord. As an added touch of elegance, the (second-edition) book includes 5 stunning du'a cards featuring 5 special, hand-picked du'as from the Qur'aan. All the du'as are written in Arabic with English transliteration and their English meanings as well as their references - to help you quickly locate them in the Qur'aan. 

1. Glorifying Allah: A Collection of His Names and Qualities
2. Praising Allah
3. Invocations of Peace and Blessings on the Prophet ﷺ
4. The Precious Gems
5. Invocations for Forgiveness
End Prayers

There are two editions available, both containing the same content. The only difference lies in the covers and sizes, allowing you to choose the edition that resonates best with your aesthetic preferences. The du'a cards are only available in the 2nd edition. 

Compiled by: Umm Fahtima Zahra
Format: Paperback
Pages: 119
Publisher: Kube
ISBN: 9780860378136
Dimensions: First Edition: 14 x 11.4 x 1 cm
Second Edition: 17 x 11.4 x 1cm

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