Heaven Under Your Feet: Pregnancy for Muslim Women

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Pregnancy is a great time to turn to Allah. Not only is it an incredible physical process but it is also a spiritual and emotional journey filled with excitement and apprehension. Heaven Under Your Feet accompanies sisters along this beautiful phase in life.

Whilst there is a lot of advice-packed literature out there for the expectant mother, this book is different as it approaches the subject from the perspective of a Muslimah;  addressing the thoughts and concerns of someone looking for an Islamic viewpoint on what is a unique and extraordinary moment in her life.

Written in consultation with Muslim medical professionals (including being endorsed by a Muslim midwife) and with invaluable input from Islamic scholars, this book deals with some neglected issues in an accessible and engaging way. The author tackles relevant contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective. The adopted approach is one that appeals to the modern-day Muslim woman: a focus on contemporary and scientific issues, balancing them with an Islamic emphasis. 

    The aim of this book is to inspire you during these precious months, to prepare Islamically for the baby to come ahead and enjoy the changes Allah SWT has bestowed for you as a mother. 

    A helpful appendix is found at the end of the book, full of useful du'as for you and your baby, including those that should be recited during labour. This book is a valuable resource for every Muslim family expecting a baby! 

    Please note: each pregnancy is different with unique challenges. For this reason, this book is not one of fiqhi rulings (e.g. should I fast in Ramadan whilst pregnant or not?) nor can it replace medical guidance. Your local, trustworthy scholars and health professionals (midwife and/or GP) are your first port of call for those respective matters. 

    Other books and collections that may interest you: 

    A Gift for the New Muslim Mother

    Parenting Collection

    Books for Muslim Women Collection

    About the Author 

    Umm Hasan graduated from Oxford University in Experimental Psychology. She has studied at Darul Uloom, Oxford. Umm Hasan is active in her local community, running programs for Muslim women, mothers and toddlers whilst also being a full-time mum to three children. 

    Author: Umm Hasan Bint Salim
    Format: Paperback
    Pages: 174
    Publisher: TaHa
    ISBN: 9781842000922
    Dimensions: 15 x 21 x 1cm

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