Golden Seerah: For the Young Generation

Sale price$69.90 NZD

 This full-colour, illustrated, easy-to-read biography of our beloved Prophet is written particularly for the younger generation and those embarking on their quest for knowledge.

This book is authored by Abdul Malik Mujahid, who has completed extensive research, has a vast knowledge of the Seerah, and has written in an easy to read style. The book is nicely organized in sections covering the life and times of the Prophet along with illustrated maps, pictures, and diagrams to capture the reader's attention. It will be especially useful for the youth, teenagers, new Muslims and anyone who is beginning to study the seerah of the Prophet.

Pleasing to the eye and decorated with colourful pictures, Golden Seerah (for the young generation) is a captivating book based on the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Format: Hardback, with glossy full-colour pages
Pages: 480
Publisher: Darussalam
ISBN: 9786035003865
Dimensions: 17 x 24cm 

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