Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness

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Fiery Ambitions will instil a sense of pride in your faith and the exceptional individuals who have dedicated themselves to it throughout history. You will delve into the lives of virtuous leaders, scholars, generous philanthropists, brave warriors, and selfless souls...and learn the key to joining their ranks! To the ambitious soul seeking to achieve greatness, hold this book close. To the determined soul who has strived for years to unlock the secrets of success, discover the treasure map within these pages. And to the pure, devoted soul who desires to leave a lasting impact long after departing this world, let Fiery Ambitions be your guide.

About the Author 

Dr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ismail Al-Muqaddim is a distinguished Egyptian scholar and psychiatrist. He has authored over 20 books in Arabic and has played an important role in reviving and teaching authentic Islamic knowledge. 

Author: Muhammad Ismail al-Muqaddim
Translator: Mohammad Elshinawy
Format: Hardback
Pages: 464
Publisher: IIPH
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9786035013482
Dimensions: 21.5 × 14.5 x 2.5 cm

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